Thursday, 29 July 2010

The Donut Hole

So Tony Hayward finally gets his life back!

The buzz at the donut hole revolved around the ouster of BP's CEO, Tony Hayward.  He is finally being removed from overseeing the Gulf oilspill clean-up and is being sent to Siberia.  Is that still the terrifying wasteland where political dissentients were sent?  What took the company so long to actually remove Mr. Hayward?  He doesn't actually step-down from BP until October to allow for a smooth transition, and he is getting a huge golden parachute, but still, under his leadership, the company has suffered a horrible public image.  Not that it isn't deserved.  After all, the Gulf of Mexico has suffered a severe ecological disaster.

Although oil may not be visible on many of the Gulf Coast beaches, ultraviolet light shows its presence.  The water has a different feel to it as well.  Where small fish were abundantly found near the shore, there are fewer and fewer of this this summer.

When will those living along the Gulf and making a living along the Gulf get their lives back?

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